Monday, February 16, 2009

(4 Ways To Guarantee Repeat Business)

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At the backbone of every successful business is the repeat customer. While it is great to get referrals, it is important to realize that a referral may result in an interested individual taking a look at a business or store, but by and large curiosity rarely translates into sales. On the other hand, a customer who already knows what to expect, who understands your way of doing business, and who comes back for more is an almost guaranteed sale! Yet in a day and age when customer service is virtually and certifiably dead – have you ever approached a store employee only to have the person shrug her or his shoulders and tell you it’s not their job? – it becomes harder and harder to entice customers or clients to come back.

Nonetheless, here are four ways to guarantee repeat business:

1. Be careful whom you hire. He might be your Cousin Betty’s favorite nephew, but if his attitude leaves something to be desired he will be more of an albatross around your business’ neck than an asset. Business and family sometimes do not mix well, and it may become rather awkward if you have to fire your kid sister, but the bottom line is simple: whoever is working for you is representing the business, and this representation needs to be made in such a way that the customer will love to come back. Personable, kind, and polite service are a must!

2. Know your business just a little better than the competition knows theirs. If you are a carpet cleaner, you will want to keep up with the latest and the greatest innovations. Think of the termite companies that have since time immemorial tented homes in order to eradicate termites with poisonous gasses. The new innovation was orange oil and most companies simply scoffed at the idea – until one or two companies took up the challenge and learned all there was about this new product. These companies are now running circles around the competition and repeat business is guaranteed!

3. Treat your client or customer well. Friendly customer service, superior product or service, and a personalize attitude to the business are a must. Yet so is the ability to apologize and rectify a situation that might have gone wrong. If you are a dog groomer and instead of giving the Bichon Frise its special Bichon cut, you went ahead and mistook it for a poodle and gave it a poodle do. While this is a big oops, the fact that you are not charging for the service, but instead will make weekly appointments at the customer’s home to even out the cut as it grows out with complimentary nail clippings and shampoos to boot will go a long ways to ensuring that this customer likes the way you correct a mistake. The odds are good she or he will come back.

"As long as you live, keep learning how to live."... Seneca, Roman Historian

Walt Gemmell
Making it happen today!


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